Start with Commands​
MineShare plugin supports a lot of different commands, which allow you to fully control your Minecraft Server.
To start using MineShare command you first need to open a chat console.
In Minecraft you open console by pressing a key t
After the console is opened you can already start typing you command. Commands are always starting with a /
All the MineShare commands start with a prefix /share
. If you type a space after the prefix /share
, the set of commands will appear in front of you.
The set of command you see reflect your rights on the server and your current context (zone, world rules, availability of selected area commands, and so on.
Object Commands​
Some of the commands create, manage and delete some of the MineShare objects:
- zone commands and task commands
- space commands
- spawner commands
- block commands
- gate commands
- group commands
- token commands
The structure of these commands is always the same:
/share $object-type $object-name $object-operation [$additional-operands]
- $object-type is one of the named objects (blocks, gates, groups, spaces, spawners, tokens);
- $object-name - every object has its own name, if a new object is created the name must be invented;
- $object-operation - operation like create, info, delete, and so on;
- $additional-operands depends on the operation.
For every object the info operation is provided, that can be used to print out all the data about the object.
The objects usually offer also a goto-kind of operation to teleport the user to a location of the object.
Rights Management​
You can disable some of the commands in the Minecraft world. For this you can use world rule-set:
For example,
/share world rule-set forbid-space-command
will forbid for the non-world-owners to see and be able to execute the space command.