User Commands
A set of utility command to manage user-specific parameters.
In the user commands the $-symbol is used as a replacement for the current player.
Show User's Tokens​
/share user $user-name tokens-show
Shows the set of tokens assigned to the player and their validity duration.
Remove User's Tokens​
/share user $user-name token-delete ${token-name}
Removes the granted to the user token $token-name from the user's context. Important for debugging.
Show User's Zones​
/share user $user-name zones-show
Shows the information about current location of the player and all the zones he/she has at least some rights.
Change User's Identity​
/share user $user-name alter-ego-set [$ego-name]
Special command to assign to the player an internal alternative identity.
If ego-name is not provided the player reverts to his/her normal minecraft identity.
The command is useful to change the player to some alternative state to test some grants and rights in the game from the perspective of other players.
Alter-ego if set is visible in the boss bar on top of the screen.
Show User's Identity​
/share user $user-name alter-ego-get
Shows the info on alter-ego status of the player.