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Gate Commands

Gates allow creating a fix teleport from the gate to the destination (destination-set). The gates can transport between different worlds on the same server.

The following groups are available for the gate:

  • owner,
  • allow-travel.

Owner defines who can change the properties of the gate after its creation. The owner group is initially set to the group set to allow-build in the gate's area (zone or world). allow-travel can manage who's allowed to use the gate to move to the destination. Independently from the gate's allow-travel group, the gate can only transport players who belong to allow-entrance group at the destination.

A token can be associated with the gate, the token is assigned to the user if the travel was successful.

Gates Video Tutorial​

Create a Gate​

/share gate $name create

This command creates a new gate if the gate with the given name does not exist.

The command must be executed when the selection is available.

After the gate is created the destination must be set (destination-set), until then the gate is non-functional.

The gates can only be built by the player with the allow-build group in the current area.

The gate can only be created in the homogenous area (the same zone or no-zone area) and the size is restricted for non-world-owners.

Set Destination​

/share gate $name destination-set

Sets a destination block for a given gate. As the block the one the player is looking at is used. To better manage the location you can put a temporary block in the location, set the destination and then remove it.

Note that the destination could be in a different world.

Delete a Gate​

/share gate $name delete

Removes a given gate. Only owner can delete a gate.

Goto Gate​

/share gate $name gate-goto

Teleport the player to the given gate. Used to find a gate.

Command only works if the player is allowed entering the gate area.

Goto Destination​

/share gate $name destination-goto

Teleport the player to the given gate's destination. Used to find a gate's destination.

Command only works if the player is allowed entering the gate destination point.

Set Gate's Groups​

/share gate $name group-set owner|allow-travel [$group-name]

Sets a respective group to the gate:

  • owner is a set of players who can change the gate properties;
  • allow-travel defines who can use the gate.

If the $group-name is not provided the group is removed, which makes it available to everyone.

The group with the group-name should be available. Create it in advance if needed (see share group create command).

The owner group is set initially to be the same as the allow-build group in the current player's area.

Add Token to Gate​

/share gate $name token-set $token-name [$duration]

Adds a respective token to the gate. The token is assigned to the player if he/she successfully travels to the destination. You can assign as many tokens as you want.

duration can optionally be provided, which assigns the token to the player only for the given period of time.

The token with the token-name should be available. Create it in advance (share token create command).

The player that executes this operation should be in the allow-assign group of the respective token.

Deletes a Token from Gate​

/share gate $name token-delete $token-name

Removes the provided token from the gate.

Info About Gate​

/share gate $name info

Gives an info for the gate to the console.