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Cloud commands

Commands allow uploading and downloading of the copied models to the cloud.

Store Area in Cloud​

/share store $key

Stores the content of the clipboard in the cloud storage. Start with selection), then copy the selected area to clipboard, then you can use this command.

if $key starts with public/ the clipboard is stored to a public space, otherwise the keys are stored to the user-private space. The private keys are only available to the user. This prevents sharing the data with other users. Example of the public key is public/hello-world-house, and a user specific is: my-collection/123 or just 123.

Note that the store/load functionality is offered on as-is basis and the persistence of the data is not guaranteed by any means. Use on your own risk.

Load Area from Cloud​

/share load $key

Loads the content of the clipboard by the data stored previously in the cloud storage.

See the key description for store command. After the clipboard loaded it can be located and pasted by the respective commands.