Space Commands
Spaces allows specifying some special operations to the spacial region. The animation can be associated which allows to specify a frame-by-frame sequence of snapshots that is played by the triggering of button, opening the door, pushing the floor panel, etc.
The following groups are available:
- owner.
Owners can modify the space. When the space is created the builder group of the area where it is created is set as an owner of the space.
Create a Space​
/share space $name create
This command must be executed when the selection is available (share select command). If a selection available, the command checks if the space can be created in the specified area and if successful the space is created.
The space must be configured with some properties afterwards.
Goto Space​
/share space $name space-goto
Teleports the player to the space region and selects it.
Add a Frame​
/share space $name frame-add [$frame-index]
Command makes a snapshot of the space's blocks and stores it as frame.
frame-index specify at what index the frame is stored, if not provided the frame is stored as the last one. Frames are indexed starting from 0.
The animation is played started with the last index to the first index, waits for some time and then goes from frame 0 to the last frame:
Playback sequence for the space of 4 frames would look like:
, then 3
, 2
, 1
, 0
, wait...
, 1
, 2
, 3
, stop
So, the initial frame 0 will be presented in the middle of the sequence.
To trigger the animation a trigger should be specified (see trigger-add command).
Render a Frame​
/share space $name frame-render $frame-index
Command forces the animation to stop and render the specified frame.
frame-index specify what index is to be rendered.
Delete a Frame​
/share space $name frame-delete $frame-index
Command removes a specified frame.
frame-index specify at what index the frame is to be deleted.
Add a Trigger​
/share space $name trigger-add $trigger-name
Command adds a trigger for the frame sequence (see frame-add command). The block the player is pointing to is stored as a trigger. The block can be a button, door, floor panel or chest. If the player executes an interaction on the block the trigger is activated.
If the block is managed by MineShare the triggering can be conditionally managed (allow-change group). If the block is not associated with a MineShare block it is triggered unconditionally.
trigger-name is provided to be able to remove this trigger later or use a goto command to go to the trigger block.
Goto Trigger​
/share space $name trigger-goto $trigger-name
Teleports the player to the trigger block.
Delete a Trigger​
/share space $name trigger-delete $trigger-name
Delete the designated trigger.
Set Open Duration​
/share space $name open-duration-set [$duration]
Space object iterates the frames in both direction, what creates a repetive dynamic visual effects.
The animation first goes from last frame to first frame, waits of a specific period of time and then goes back (see here for more details.).
This command specify how long the animation stays at the frame 0, before it starts the move to the end of the sequence.
The default value is 10s, but you can set any time for $duration: 1s, 1m, 10m.
Set Space's Group​
/share space $name group-set [$group-name]
Sets a respective group to the space. owner is a set of players who can change the space properties or delete it.
If the $group-name is not provided the group is removed, which makes it available to everyone.
The group with the group-name should be available. Create it in advance if needed (see share group create command).
Add Token to Space​
/share space $name token-set $token-name [$duration]
Adds a respective token to the space. The token is assigned to the player if he/she passes through the space. You can assign as many tokens as you want.
duration can optionally be provided, which assigns the token to the player only for the given period of time.
The token with the token-name should be available. Create it in advance (share token create command).
The player that executes this operation should be in the allow-assign group of the respective token.
Delete a Token​
/share space $name token-remove $token-name
Removes the provided token from the space.
Get Space's Info​
/share space $name info
Shows all the details about the space.
Delete a Space​
/share space $name delete
Deletes the space.