Create a Drawbridge
In this tutoral we are going to create a drawbridge. A drawbrigde is opened and closed by pressing a button.
We will define:
- how drawbridge looks (build it with Minecraft just as a usual Minecraft structure);
- create a frame-by-frame snapshots of the drawbridge as it goes in open and closed state (you define the dynamic how it moves);
- select a type (button, floor panel) and location of the trigger that will bring the bridge to open and closed state.
- Learn how fun and easy this task is (no redstone, pistons) with MineShare plugin.
The tutorial assumes you have a Minecraft Server with MineShare plugin installed (see here how to do it) or you can start in the playground server (see here how to log-in). Learn here how to start with MineShare commands.
See video showing what is described in this section.
Login to your Minecraft server, and... go...
- Select a region where moving part will be included:
/share select
- Create a space:
/share space chest-bridge create
- Discard selection area:
/share discard
- First frame should contain the whole drawbridge in the closed form
/share space chest-bridge frame-add
- Remove some part and create a new frame of the drawbridge animation
/share space chest-bridge frame-add
- Do so many frames as you like, until the very last frame that shows the drawbridge in the open state;
- Associate a trigger with the drawbridge. Create a button, point player to the button and issue the command:button is an id of the trigger, you can remove it by using this trigger name.
/share space chest-bridge trigger-add button
- Voala - trigger the drawbridge by pressing the button.