Tasks Commands
Tasks exist only in context of the zone. So the player must be in the zone to be able to execute commands of that type.
Tasks allow to provide information to the player about things he can do in the zone.
Tasks allows to define to-do list based on the current player's in-game progress and provides information what he can do right now to go forward.
Create a Task​
/share task $task-name create
Creates an empty task. The task is created without prerequisites and will immediately be visible to the players.
Set Description​
/share task $task-name description-set $text
Sets description of the task. This text will be shown to the player when he entered the zone if he has all required tokens, but doesn't have all the completed tokens.
This text is also shown if the player acquires all the required tokens, but does not posses yet all the completed tokens.
Add Token for Task Completion​
/share task $task-name completed-token-add $token-name
Adds completed token. The task is considered to be fulfilled if the player have all the completed tokens.
Remove Token for Task Completion​
/share task $task-name completed-token-delete $token-name
Removes previously added completed token.
Add Required Token​
/share task $task-name required-token-add $token-name
Add required token. The task will be displayed to the player if he has all the required tokens.
Remove Required Token​
/share task $task-name required-token-delete $token-name
Removes previously added required token.
Set Task Order​
/share task $task-name order-set $order
Player can have several tasks that he can be assigned to. The order can be used to change the position of the task in the list of tasks when the user changes his progress.
Delete a Task​
/share task $task-name delete
Deleted completely the task.
Get Info​
/share task $task-name info
Show information about the task.