Zone Commands
Zones allow specifying a set of rules for the selected spacial region in the world. The zones have snapshot mechanism, which stores the state of the zone, so it can be reverted to the snapshot at any moment. If the zone is removed it is reverted to the state it originally had at the moment of inception.
The following groups are available for the zone:
- owner;
- allow-build;
- allow-entrance.
Owner defines who can change the properties of the zone after its creation. For the new zone a new group is created (name is usually zone:$zone-name:owner), which is restricted originally to the creator of the zone, so he/she can solely define who's allowed to do what in the zone.
In the zone the tasks can be specified. The tasks will provide to the player information about what he/she can do in the zone.
Zones Video Tutorial​
Claim a Zone​
/share zone $name claim
This command must be executed when the selection is available (/share select command). If a selection available, the command checks if the zone can be created in the specified area and if successful the zone is created.
The new zone for the players without world-owner status is restricted by the size.
The zone area should cover a whole set of chunks, if the selection is not aligned with the chunk sizes it will be resized and the consequent claim command can create the zone.
The zone contains the whole chunks meaning the height of the zone contains everything Y-height 0-255. The selection is not resized by the Y-axis to not obscure the selection.
For each new zone a new group is created (zone:$name:owner). If the group already exists the name will be generated until a new group is available. This group will only contain the creator of the zone as admin and the only user.
The zone should not contain any objects like gates, spawners or blocks in its area at the moment of creation.
A new snapshot of the zone is created. The name of the snapshot is origin. When the zone is removed the state of the zone is reverted to origin.
Sets a Zone's Group​
/share zone $name group-set owner|allow-build|allow-entrance [$group-name]
Sets a respective group to the zone:
- owner is a set of players who can change the zone properties or delete it;
- allow-build defines who can build in the area of the zone. Creation of the objects like spawners, gates, blocks are only allowed to this group;
- allow-entrance specifies who is allowed to enter the borders of the zone.
If the $group-name is not provided the group is removed, which makes it available to everyone.
The group with the group-name should be available. Create it in advance if needed (see share group create command).
Create Snapshot​
/share zone $name snapshot-create $snapshot-name
Creates a new snapshot of the area at the time of execution.
Snapshots does only copy the blocks of the area and not the entities or objects like gates, blocks or spawners. This can be provided in the future though.
Number of the snapshots per zone is limited for the non-world-owners players.
Delete Snapshot​
/share zone $name snapshot-delete $snapshot-name
Deletes an existing snapshot.
The zone's origin snapshot can not be deleted.
Restore Snapshot's State​
/share zone $name snapshot-restore $snapshot-name
Restores the state of the zone to its state stored in the snapshot.
Only blocks are restored, the entities and objects are preserved at their current state.
Delete a Zone​
/share zone $name delete
The command removed an existing zone.
The zone can only be removed if no other objects like gates, spawners, blocks are present in the zone.
The state of the zone's chunks is reverted to the origin snapshot created at the claim command.
All the snapshots associated with the zone are removed.
Goto Zone​
/share zone $name goto
Teleport the player to the given zone. Used to find the zone.
Command only works if the player is allowed entering the zone area.
Get Zone's Info​
/share zone $name info
Gives a ton of useful information about the zone to the console.