Copy & Paste Commands
These commands allow to select some space in the world, copy its content to the clipboard and paste it later in some other place. You can also fill the selection with blocks of defined type or remove blocks completely.
Player can start selection where he/she stays and interactively change the selected area. The boundary box appears and is visible the whole time the player works with the selection. The selected area can be resized and moved either interactively or with other chat commands.
The boundary box is in free resize mode or freezed. You can switch from one state to another by breaking the corner blocks of the selection.
The content of the area can also be copied into the cloud storage. See commands here to learn ho to do it.
Copy Paste Video Tutorial​
Work with Selection​
Start Selection​
/share select [previous]
Starts selection of the region in the world. Drag the corners of the selection box to the expected location, then break the corner block. It will freeze the selection. If needed any of the corner blocks of the selection box can be broken again, what will allow to resize the selection box.
Command is used to copy the stuff or create different spacial objects like gates, spawners, zones, etc. Subcommand previous can be given to select the previously selected and now discarded bounding box.
Move Selection​
/share move [left:$left] [right:$right]
Moves the selected bounding box to the left, right, up, down, forward or backward. The number provided specifies the number of blocks to shift.
This is an optional high-precision operation. It is only available in the case that some selection is active.
Expand Selection​
/share expand [left:$left] [right:$right] [forward:$forward] [backward:$backward] [up:$up] [down:$down]
Expand the selected bounding box. The direction specifies the side of the box. The number specifies the number of blocks the selection should be expanded by. This is an optional high-precision operation. It is only available in the case that some selection is active.
Shrink Selection​
/share shrink [left:$left] [right:$right] [forward:$forward] [backward:$backward] [up:$up] [down:$down]
Shrink the selected bounding box. The direction specifies the side of the box. The number specifies the number of blocks the selection should be shrinked by. This is an optional high-precision operation. It is only available in the case that some selection is active.
Discard Selection​
/share discard
Discard current selection.
Removes current selection, active in locate-mode.
Clipboard Operations​
Copy Blocks​
/share copy [!water|!air]
Copies all the blocks withing the selection box to the clipboard buffer. This operation is executed after the select operation is frozen.
Optional parameters are:
- !water can be added to the command to NOT include the water and water-generated (sea grass, kelps, etc.) blocks to the clipboard.
- !air can be added to the command to NOT include the air blocks to the clipboard.
Locate Area to Paste​
/share locate [previous [right|left|up|down|forward|backward]]
Selects a location where the copied blocks should be pasted to.
Drag the corner block to the expected location and break that block to freeze the location. Inspect the new location. If the location must be corrected - break any of the corner blocks, which allows to move a boundary box to new location. previous allows to recover the last located position (only available if any exists). Additionally to previous the direction can be given. In this case a new location is shifted to be on a respective side of the previously located location. This is helpful if a series of copies of the same object adjacent to each other is done.
Rotate Copied Area​
/share rotate 90|180|270</div>
Rotates a destination boundary box by 90,180,270 degrees.
You can only select one of the rotation angles. Rotate works only in the locate mode. You will be able to see a new boundary box location. It can be changed as described for location command.
/share paste [air]
Pastes the content of the clipboard to the selected location.
The optional parameter air will replace the blocks that has not been copied (see !water parameter at copy command) by the air blocks, otherwise these blocks won't replace the blocks at the respective destination location.
Undo Paste Operation​
/share undo
Reverts the latest paste operation and restores the original blocks.
The undo operation restored the boundary box and resets to the locate-state before the last paste operation. The restored boundary box can be again moved and the paste operation can be repeated again.
Bulk Operations​
Clean Selected Area​
/share clean
Cleans the currently selected bounding box.
Break Blocks in the Selected Area​
/share break
Breaks all the blocks naturally within currently selected bounding box.
Fill Selected Area​
/share cube $box-material [$content-material]
Fills a cube in selected bounding box with defined materials. The materials are selected from the list.
box-material specifies a material for the bounding box, optional content-material can be used to specify internal box material (the cube itself), if not specified the box-material is used (solid cube).