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Configuring Worlds​

The worlds in Minecraft with MineShare are created the same way you would expect from the common Minecraft. This means everyone can login and do the stuff as usual in the survival mode. For the server it could be very unsafe, as anyone can go in and start some destrcutive activities (griefing is important term here, you should know about).

Usually you want to protect you worlds by imposing some rules, and this is where this configuration instruction will allow you to do a bare minimum that should be configured on any public server.

So. Let's protect our worlds (per default you have three worlds on Minecraft server).

All the configuration with MineShare plugin is happening in the chat console in the Minecraft client. Please, first log in into the server you have.

At first we need to create a new group, that will contain players that are owners of the world:

  • Press t key and issue the following command:
    /share group world:owner add-admin-user $player-name
    This will create a new group and set the admin user of this group to $player-name. Only the admin players can change this group afterwards. You can of cause decide to call your world's owner group differently, then change the world:owner to any name you would like. You should also provide the $player-name that will be the admin user of the new group, so you should select your player's name.
  • After the group has been created the users must be added to this group. The admins of the group don't get any rights per default. So, please also add yourself as a participant of the group:
    /share group world:owner add-user $player-name
    Ok. Now you are an admin and a participant of the group.
  • The next would be to assign this newly created group to the world's owners:
    /share world group-set owner world:owners
    After this command no one except the participants of the group world:owner will be able to switch the owner group of this world.
  • If you don't want that other players are able to build in this world you can issue the following command:
    /share world group-set allow-build world:owners
    After this command is issued no one except the players from world:owners will be able to build directly in the world. Nevertheless as the zone is allowed in the world, other players will be able to claim zones for themselfs. In these claimed zones other players will be able to build whatever they like. You as an owner of the world will be able to revert there changes to the point of zone creation.
  • If you also want to forbid some commands (like zone command or bulk operation commands) you can issue the following command:
    /share world rule-set forbid-zone-command
    This will remove the right of the zone creation from all the players in this world. please, explore the world's rule-set in more detail to restrict the players even more.
  • Now as you finished configuring the default world, you can go to two other worlds: nether and the_end and configure the owner and allow-build properties as you like. Here is the command to move to another world (nether in this case):
    /share world goto world_nether

The same is true for all new worlds that you can create.

Configure User as Operator​

In some cases you want to elevate yourself and maybe some other players on the server to the level of Operator. operators can do a lot of stuff: change their mode of game, fly and so on.

This is possible with a standard PaperMC functionality. You will see how more complex the management you get out of the box when you will see the instructions that follows.

So... to get the Operator status proceed as described.

First you need to discover your player's UUID.

The UUID can be find in the minecraft log printed out in the console:

[08:40:24 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
[08:40:24 INFO]: Done (14.571s)! For help, type "help"
[08:40:24 INFO]: Timings Reset
[08:44:08 INFO]: UUID of player quantumHackXXXX is 0c7bcdf5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

The last line in the example contains a UUID which looks like 0c7bcdf5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Please, stop the server now. You can entering the stop command into the server console. The server will stop.

Then you need to adapt ops.json to include your user id as operator:

"uuid": "0c7bcdf5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"level": 4,
"bypassesPlayerLimit": false

Feel free to extends the list by other users.

If you start the server again you will have all possible rights as an operator.

We suggest to assign the Operator status to all admins of the server, so it will make the processes more easier. But it will be the only operation done with some json-files in the minecraft directory. With MineShare you only should be using a console to do anything possible.